# Copyright 2020 IBM # Author: peter.zhong@au1.ibm.com # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # Apache 2.0 License for more details. from rapidfuzz.distance import Levenshtein from apted import APTED, Config from apted.helpers import Tree from lxml import etree, html from collections import deque from .parallel import parallel_process from tqdm import tqdm class TableTree(Tree): def __init__(self, tag, colspan=None, rowspan=None, content=None, *children): self.tag = tag self.colspan = colspan self.rowspan = rowspan self.content = content self.children = list(children) def bracket(self): """Show tree using brackets notation""" if self.tag == 'td': result = '"tag": %s, "colspan": %d, "rowspan": %d, "text": %s' % \ (self.tag, self.colspan, self.rowspan, self.content) else: result = '"tag": %s' % self.tag for child in self.children: result += child.bracket() return "{{{}}}".format(result) class CustomConfig(Config): def rename(self, node1, node2): """Compares attributes of trees""" #print(node1.tag) if (node1.tag != node2.tag) or (node1.colspan != node2.colspan) or (node1.rowspan != node2.rowspan): return 1. if node1.tag == 'td': if node1.content or node2.content: #print(node1.content, ) return Levenshtein.normalized_distance(node1.content, node2.content) return 0. class CustomConfig_del_short(Config): def rename(self, node1, node2): """Compares attributes of trees""" if (node1.tag != node2.tag) or (node1.colspan != node2.colspan) or (node1.rowspan != node2.rowspan): return 1. if node1.tag == 'td': if node1.content or node2.content: #print('before') #print(node1.content, node2.content) #print('after') node1_content = node1.content node2_content = node2.content if len(node1_content) < 3: node1_content = ['####'] if len(node2_content) < 3: node2_content = ['####'] return Levenshtein.normalized_distance(node1_content, node2_content) return 0. class CustomConfig_del_block(Config): def rename(self, node1, node2): """Compares attributes of trees""" if (node1.tag != node2.tag) or (node1.colspan != node2.colspan) or (node1.rowspan != node2.rowspan): return 1. if node1.tag == 'td': if node1.content or node2.content: node1_content = node1.content node2_content = node2.content while ' ' in node1_content: print(node1_content.index(' ')) node1_content.pop(node1_content.index(' ')) while ' ' in node2_content: print(node2_content.index(' ')) node2_content.pop(node2_content.index(' ')) return Levenshtein.normalized_distance(node1_content, node2_content) return 0. class TEDS(object): ''' Tree Edit Distance basead Similarity ''' def __init__(self, structure_only=False, n_jobs=1, ignore_nodes=None): assert isinstance(n_jobs, int) and ( n_jobs >= 1), 'n_jobs must be an integer greather than 1' self.structure_only = structure_only self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.ignore_nodes = ignore_nodes self.__tokens__ = [] def tokenize(self, node): ''' Tokenizes table cells ''' self.__tokens__.append('<%s>' % node.tag) if node.text is not None: self.__tokens__ += list(node.text) for n in node.getchildren(): self.tokenize(n) if node.tag != 'unk': self.__tokens__.append('' % node.tag) if node.tag != 'td' and node.tail is not None: self.__tokens__ += list(node.tail) def load_html_tree(self, node, parent=None): ''' Converts HTML tree to the format required by apted ''' global __tokens__ if node.tag == 'td': if self.structure_only: cell = [] else: self.__tokens__ = [] self.tokenize(node) cell = self.__tokens__[1:-1].copy() new_node = TableTree(node.tag, int(node.attrib.get('colspan', '1')), int(node.attrib.get('rowspan', '1')), cell, *deque()) else: new_node = TableTree(node.tag, None, None, None, *deque()) if parent is not None: parent.children.append(new_node) if node.tag != 'td': for n in node.getchildren(): self.load_html_tree(n, new_node) if parent is None: return new_node def evaluate(self, pred, true): ''' Computes TEDS score between the prediction and the ground truth of a given sample ''' if (not pred) or (not true): return 0.0 parser = html.HTMLParser(remove_comments=True, encoding='utf-8') pred = html.fromstring(pred, parser=parser) true = html.fromstring(true, parser=parser) if pred.xpath('body/table') and true.xpath('body/table'): pred = pred.xpath('body/table')[0] true = true.xpath('body/table')[0] if self.ignore_nodes: etree.strip_tags(pred, *self.ignore_nodes) etree.strip_tags(true, *self.ignore_nodes) n_nodes_pred = len(pred.xpath(".//*")) n_nodes_true = len(true.xpath(".//*")) n_nodes = max(n_nodes_pred, n_nodes_true) tree_pred = self.load_html_tree(pred) tree_true = self.load_html_tree(true) distance = APTED(tree_pred, tree_true, CustomConfig()).compute_edit_distance() return 1.0 - (float(distance) / n_nodes) else: return 0.0 def batch_evaluate(self, pred_json, true_json): ''' Computes TEDS score between the prediction and the ground truth of a batch of samples @params pred_json: {'FILENAME': 'HTML CODE', ...} @params true_json: {'FILENAME': {'html': 'HTML CODE'}, ...} @output: {'FILENAME': 'TEDS SCORE', ...} ''' samples = true_json.keys() if self.n_jobs == 1: scores = [self.evaluate(pred_json.get( filename, ''), true_json[filename]['html']) for filename in tqdm(samples)] else: inputs = [{'pred': pred_json.get( filename, ''), 'true': true_json[filename]['html']} for filename in samples] scores = parallel_process( inputs, self.evaluate, use_kwargs=True, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, front_num=1) scores = dict(zip(samples, scores)) return scores def batch_evaluate_html(self, pred_htmls, true_htmls): ''' Computes TEDS score between the prediction and the ground truth of a batch of samples ''' if self.n_jobs == 1: scores = [self.evaluate(pred_html, true_html) for ( pred_html, true_html) in zip(pred_htmls, true_htmls)] else: inputs = [{"pred": pred_html, "true": true_html} for( pred_html, true_html) in zip(pred_htmls, true_htmls)] scores = parallel_process( inputs, self.evaluate, use_kwargs=True, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, front_num=1) return scores if __name__ == '__main__': import json import pprint with open('sample_pred.json') as fp: pred_json = json.load(fp) with open('sample_gt.json') as fp: true_json = json.load(fp) teds = TEDS(n_jobs=4) scores = teds.batch_evaluate(pred_json, true_json) pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(scores)