# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os import sys __dir__ = os.path.dirname(__file__) sys.path.append(__dir__) sys.path.append(os.path.join(__dir__, '..')) import numpy as np from .locality_aware_nms import nms_locality import paddle import cv2 import time class SASTPostProcess(object): """ The post process for SAST. """ def __init__(self, score_thresh=0.5, nms_thresh=0.2, sample_pts_num=2, shrink_ratio_of_width=0.3, expand_scale=1.0, tcl_map_thresh=0.5, **kwargs): self.score_thresh = score_thresh self.nms_thresh = nms_thresh self.sample_pts_num = sample_pts_num self.shrink_ratio_of_width = shrink_ratio_of_width self.expand_scale = expand_scale self.tcl_map_thresh = tcl_map_thresh # c++ la-nms is faster, but only support python 3.5 self.is_python35 = False if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor == 5: self.is_python35 = True def point_pair2poly(self, point_pair_list): """ Transfer vertical point_pairs into poly point in clockwise. """ # constract poly point_num = len(point_pair_list) * 2 point_list = [0] * point_num for idx, point_pair in enumerate(point_pair_list): point_list[idx] = point_pair[0] point_list[point_num - 1 - idx] = point_pair[1] return np.array(point_list).reshape(-1, 2) def shrink_quad_along_width(self, quad, begin_width_ratio=0., end_width_ratio=1.): """ Generate shrink_quad_along_width. """ ratio_pair = np.array( [[begin_width_ratio], [end_width_ratio]], dtype=np.float32) p0_1 = quad[0] + (quad[1] - quad[0]) * ratio_pair p3_2 = quad[3] + (quad[2] - quad[3]) * ratio_pair return np.array([p0_1[0], p0_1[1], p3_2[1], p3_2[0]]) def expand_poly_along_width(self, poly, shrink_ratio_of_width=0.3): """ expand poly along width. """ point_num = poly.shape[0] left_quad = np.array( [poly[0], poly[1], poly[-2], poly[-1]], dtype=np.float32) left_ratio = -shrink_ratio_of_width * np.linalg.norm(left_quad[0] - left_quad[3]) / \ (np.linalg.norm(left_quad[0] - left_quad[1]) + 1e-6) left_quad_expand = self.shrink_quad_along_width(left_quad, left_ratio, 1.0) right_quad = np.array( [ poly[point_num // 2 - 2], poly[point_num // 2 - 1], poly[point_num // 2], poly[point_num // 2 + 1] ], dtype=np.float32) right_ratio = 1.0 + \ shrink_ratio_of_width * np.linalg.norm(right_quad[0] - right_quad[3]) / \ (np.linalg.norm(right_quad[0] - right_quad[1]) + 1e-6) right_quad_expand = self.shrink_quad_along_width(right_quad, 0.0, right_ratio) poly[0] = left_quad_expand[0] poly[-1] = left_quad_expand[-1] poly[point_num // 2 - 1] = right_quad_expand[1] poly[point_num // 2] = right_quad_expand[2] return poly def restore_quad(self, tcl_map, tcl_map_thresh, tvo_map): """Restore quad.""" xy_text = np.argwhere(tcl_map[:, :, 0] > tcl_map_thresh) xy_text = xy_text[:, ::-1] # (n, 2) # Sort the text boxes via the y axis xy_text = xy_text[np.argsort(xy_text[:, 1])] scores = tcl_map[xy_text[:, 1], xy_text[:, 0], 0] scores = scores[:, np.newaxis] # Restore point_num = int(tvo_map.shape[-1] / 2) assert point_num == 4 tvo_map = tvo_map[xy_text[:, 1], xy_text[:, 0], :] xy_text_tile = np.tile(xy_text, (1, point_num)) # (n, point_num * 2) quads = xy_text_tile - tvo_map return scores, quads, xy_text def quad_area(self, quad): """ compute area of a quad. """ edge = [(quad[1][0] - quad[0][0]) * (quad[1][1] + quad[0][1]), (quad[2][0] - quad[1][0]) * (quad[2][1] + quad[1][1]), (quad[3][0] - quad[2][0]) * (quad[3][1] + quad[2][1]), (quad[0][0] - quad[3][0]) * (quad[0][1] + quad[3][1])] return np.sum(edge) / 2. def nms(self, dets): if self.is_python35: import lanms dets = lanms.merge_quadrangle_n9(dets, self.nms_thresh) else: dets = nms_locality(dets, self.nms_thresh) return dets def cluster_by_quads_tco(self, tcl_map, tcl_map_thresh, quads, tco_map): """ Cluster pixels in tcl_map based on quads. """ instance_count = quads.shape[0] + 1 # contain background instance_label_map = np.zeros(tcl_map.shape[:2], dtype=np.int32) if instance_count == 1: return instance_count, instance_label_map # predict text center xy_text = np.argwhere(tcl_map[:, :, 0] > tcl_map_thresh) n = xy_text.shape[0] xy_text = xy_text[:, ::-1] # (n, 2) tco = tco_map[xy_text[:, 1], xy_text[:, 0], :] # (n, 2) pred_tc = xy_text - tco # get gt text center m = quads.shape[0] gt_tc = np.mean(quads, axis=1) # (m, 2) pred_tc_tile = np.tile(pred_tc[:, np.newaxis, :], (1, m, 1)) # (n, m, 2) gt_tc_tile = np.tile(gt_tc[np.newaxis, :, :], (n, 1, 1)) # (n, m, 2) dist_mat = np.linalg.norm(pred_tc_tile - gt_tc_tile, axis=2) # (n, m) xy_text_assign = np.argmin(dist_mat, axis=1) + 1 # (n,) instance_label_map[xy_text[:, 1], xy_text[:, 0]] = xy_text_assign return instance_count, instance_label_map def estimate_sample_pts_num(self, quad, xy_text): """ Estimate sample points number. """ eh = (np.linalg.norm(quad[0] - quad[3]) + np.linalg.norm(quad[1] - quad[2])) / 2.0 ew = (np.linalg.norm(quad[0] - quad[1]) + np.linalg.norm(quad[2] - quad[3])) / 2.0 dense_sample_pts_num = max(2, int(ew)) dense_xy_center_line = xy_text[np.linspace( 0, xy_text.shape[0] - 1, dense_sample_pts_num, endpoint=True, dtype=np.float32).astype(np.int32)] dense_xy_center_line_diff = dense_xy_center_line[ 1:] - dense_xy_center_line[:-1] estimate_arc_len = np.sum( np.linalg.norm( dense_xy_center_line_diff, axis=1)) sample_pts_num = max(2, int(estimate_arc_len / eh)) return sample_pts_num def detect_sast(self, tcl_map, tvo_map, tbo_map, tco_map, ratio_w, ratio_h, src_w, src_h, shrink_ratio_of_width=0.3, tcl_map_thresh=0.5, offset_expand=1.0, out_strid=4.0): """ first resize the tcl_map, tvo_map and tbo_map to the input_size, then restore the polys """ # restore quad scores, quads, xy_text = self.restore_quad(tcl_map, tcl_map_thresh, tvo_map) dets = np.hstack((quads, scores)).astype(np.float32, copy=False) dets = self.nms(dets) if dets.shape[0] == 0: return [] quads = dets[:, :-1].reshape(-1, 4, 2) # Compute quad area quad_areas = [] for quad in quads: quad_areas.append(-self.quad_area(quad)) # instance segmentation # instance_count, instance_label_map = cv2.connectedComponents(tcl_map.astype(np.uint8), connectivity=8) instance_count, instance_label_map = self.cluster_by_quads_tco( tcl_map, tcl_map_thresh, quads, tco_map) # restore single poly with tcl instance. poly_list = [] for instance_idx in range(1, instance_count): xy_text = np.argwhere(instance_label_map == instance_idx)[:, ::-1] quad = quads[instance_idx - 1] q_area = quad_areas[instance_idx - 1] if q_area < 5: continue # len1 = float(np.linalg.norm(quad[0] - quad[1])) len2 = float(np.linalg.norm(quad[1] - quad[2])) min_len = min(len1, len2) if min_len < 3: continue # filter small CC if xy_text.shape[0] <= 0: continue # filter low confidence instance xy_text_scores = tcl_map[xy_text[:, 1], xy_text[:, 0], 0] if np.sum(xy_text_scores) / quad_areas[instance_idx - 1] < 0.1: # if np.sum(xy_text_scores) / quad_areas[instance_idx - 1] < 0.05: continue # sort xy_text left_center_pt = np.array( [[(quad[0, 0] + quad[-1, 0]) / 2.0, (quad[0, 1] + quad[-1, 1]) / 2.0]]) # (1, 2) right_center_pt = np.array( [[(quad[1, 0] + quad[2, 0]) / 2.0, (quad[1, 1] + quad[2, 1]) / 2.0]]) # (1, 2) proj_unit_vec = (right_center_pt - left_center_pt) / \ (np.linalg.norm(right_center_pt - left_center_pt) + 1e-6) proj_value = np.sum(xy_text * proj_unit_vec, axis=1) xy_text = xy_text[np.argsort(proj_value)] # Sample pts in tcl map if self.sample_pts_num == 0: sample_pts_num = self.estimate_sample_pts_num(quad, xy_text) else: sample_pts_num = self.sample_pts_num xy_center_line = xy_text[np.linspace( 0, xy_text.shape[0] - 1, sample_pts_num, endpoint=True, dtype=np.float32).astype(np.int32)] point_pair_list = [] for x, y in xy_center_line: # get corresponding offset offset = tbo_map[y, x, :].reshape(2, 2) if offset_expand != 1.0: offset_length = np.linalg.norm( offset, axis=1, keepdims=True) expand_length = np.clip( offset_length * (offset_expand - 1), a_min=0.5, a_max=3.0) offset_detal = offset / offset_length * expand_length offset = offset + offset_detal # original point ori_yx = np.array([y, x], dtype=np.float32) point_pair = (ori_yx + offset)[:, ::-1] * out_strid / np.array( [ratio_w, ratio_h]).reshape(-1, 2) point_pair_list.append(point_pair) # ndarry: (x, 2), expand poly along width detected_poly = self.point_pair2poly(point_pair_list) detected_poly = self.expand_poly_along_width(detected_poly, shrink_ratio_of_width) detected_poly[:, 0] = np.clip( detected_poly[:, 0], a_min=0, a_max=src_w) detected_poly[:, 1] = np.clip( detected_poly[:, 1], a_min=0, a_max=src_h) poly_list.append(detected_poly) return poly_list def __call__(self, outs_dict, shape_list): score_list = outs_dict['f_score'] border_list = outs_dict['f_border'] tvo_list = outs_dict['f_tvo'] tco_list = outs_dict['f_tco'] if isinstance(score_list, paddle.Tensor): score_list = score_list.numpy() border_list = border_list.numpy() tvo_list = tvo_list.numpy() tco_list = tco_list.numpy() img_num = len(shape_list) poly_lists = [] for ino in range(img_num): p_score = score_list[ino].transpose((1, 2, 0)) p_border = border_list[ino].transpose((1, 2, 0)) p_tvo = tvo_list[ino].transpose((1, 2, 0)) p_tco = tco_list[ino].transpose((1, 2, 0)) src_h, src_w, ratio_h, ratio_w = shape_list[ino] poly_list = self.detect_sast( p_score, p_tvo, p_border, p_tco, ratio_w, ratio_h, src_w, src_h, shrink_ratio_of_width=self.shrink_ratio_of_width, tcl_map_thresh=self.tcl_map_thresh, offset_expand=self.expand_scale) poly_lists.append({'points': np.array(poly_list)}) return poly_lists