colorfull-win.lua 684 B

  1. require("colorful-winsep").setup({
  2. -- highlight for Window separator
  3. highlight = {
  4. bg = "#16161E",
  5. fg = "#1F3442",
  6. },
  7. -- timer refresh rate
  8. interval = 30,
  9. -- This plugin will not be activated for filetype in the following table.
  10. no_exec_files = { "packer", "TelescopePrompt", "mason", "CompetiTest", "NvimTree" },
  11. -- Symbols for separator lines, the order: horizontal, vertical, top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right.
  12. symbols = { "━", "┃", "┏", "┓", "┗", "┛" },
  13. close_event = function()
  14. -- Executed after closing the window separator
  15. end,
  16. create_event = function()
  17. -- Executed after creating the window separator
  18. end,
  19. })